Love Me More as a Loony Quilt

Hey there! I’m Lesley from Piece and Quilted Studio, and I’m going to share my latest quilt top made with this soft and lovely fabric line by Lisa Audit, called Love Me More. These prints feature original water color art and come in a pretty color palette including blush, corals, yellows and greens.

The Loony quilt pattern is the latest release from Kate at Due North Quilting, and it’s a quick and fun project—especially if you love chain piecing! This block-based pattern comes in three sizes, making it perfect for a scrappy quilt or a great way to use up those fat quarters. You can get this pattern and check out Kate’s versions here.

For more of my quilty makes check out my instagram and give me a follow! Piece and Quilted Studio.
Happy Sewing!

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