Sassy and Tweet Expression Batiks – Free Scrappy Disappearing Pinwheel Quilt Block

The first block I learned when starting to sew, and one of the most popular quilting techniques, is the disappearing 9-patch block. Disappearing 9-patch blocks can be made in many different ways. But for today I’m sharing my version of a Scrappy Disappearing Pinwheel Block, made with the vibrant and cheerful Sassy and Tweet Expression Batiks collection.

Hey there, it’s Kelly Renay here, and I’m thrilled to be sharing my take on this classic and innovative block technique. Before we get started on the step-by-step instructions, let me highlight the fabulous Expression Batiks collection, Sassy and Tweet.

The Sassy and Tweet collection is so darling! Personally, it reminds me of a bright sunny day during Spring when all the colors in a garden are blooming vibrantly. While it showcases a stunning color palette of pinks, grays, greens, blues, purples, oranges, and yellows with adorable birds, seedpods, leaves, and florals. 

Now, let’s dive into how to make your own Scrappy Disappearing Pinwheel Block.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand. You will need a selection of fabrics. I used a fat-quarter bundle of the Sassy and Tweet Expression Batiks collection. You’ll also need a rotary cutter, cutting mat, ruler, and sewing machine. Tip, a ruler at least 18 1/2” long would be best when trimming the 9-patch pieces.

Step 2: Preparing Your Half-Square Triangles

Start by looking at the Scrappy Disappearing Pinwheel Block sheet, click here to download, and deciding which size quilt you’ll be making. Then cut and collect the right number of 10” square pieces. Once, those pieces have been gathered, cut them in half diagonally. Now, mix and match those pieces into pairs. After pairing, sew right sides together along the diagonal edges with a 1/4” seam allowance. Press seams open. Lastly, trim the half-square triangles to 8 1/2” square.

Step 3: Create the Pinwheel Block

First, mix and match the HST blocks into sets of 4. Then construct a traditional pinwheel block. Sew the HST’s together in pairs, press seams open, and then join the pairs together to form the pinwheel layout. This classic block will serve as the foundation for the disappearing pinwheel and should measure 16 1/2” square.

Step 4: Cut and Rearrange the Block

Once you have your pinwheel block, it’s time to get creative. Carefully cut the block into nine equal sections, at 5 1/2” each. Rotate each piece 180 degrees to form the new layout. You could also play with different layouts until you find a design that speaks to you.

Step 5: Sew the New Block Together

With your new layout finalized, sew the 9-patch pieces together. Taking your time to match up the seams and press the block carefully to ensure a crisp finish. The result will be a visually striking scrappy block that showcases the beauty of the fabrics from the Sassy and Tweet Expression Batiks collection.

Step 6: Repeat and Experiment

Once you’ve mastered the Scrappy Disappearing Pinwheel Block, don’t be afraid to experiment with different fabric combinations and 9-patch placements. The beauty of this technique lies in its versatility, allowing you to create endless variations with just a few simple steps.

With these instructions, click here to download, and the fantastic Sassy and Tweet Expression Batiks fabric collection in hand, you’ll be well on your way to creating a stunning quilt in no time. Have fun being creative with this innovative block technique!

Kelly R. Kirkland (aka. Kelly Renay)

Modern Quilt Designer + Illustrator

For more designs and patterns artfully crafted from a joyful heart, visit my website or follow me on social media by clicking the links below.

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