Piece & Plenty- Maggie Pearl Quilt
Hi fellow makers! You’re hearing from Luci with Sea Garden Sewing, and today I’ll be sharing a quilt that I’ve made using Lori Holt‘s newest line, Piece & Plenty.
I love how Lori Holt incorporates bright colors as well as low volume fabrics in many of her lines, so I thought that I’d pick a quilt pattern that incorporates color value. I landed on the Maggie Pearl quilt by Penelope Handmade.

Lori Holt’s fabric leans a bit more traditional than I normally go for, but I love her color choices. I thought this quilt would be perfect for my mom, who definitely appreciates more of a traditional touch.
For the pattern, I matched each color with a low volume to ultimately create a checkerboarded block.

This pattern champions strip piecing, which takes a bulk of time in the beginning but ultimately makes the end part of the pattern fly by.
I am so fortunate to have a Riley Blake quilter’s clapper, which can be used to make each pressed seam super flat. If you don’t have a tailor’s clapper yet, I would highly recommend it!

Once cut, you will end up with seven strip pieced units for the block and an extra eighth one for whatever you desire. I plan on incorporating some of them into a pieced backing that complements the front.

I tried to pair each color with a complimentary low volume- for example, I paired the blue fabrics with a low volume print with blue text.

After a lot of careful layout planning, ensuring no two colors/prints were too close to each other, I ended up with this quilt top:

I love how bright and cheery this quilt is! Here’s a close-up shot of some of the blocks:

This was such a fun quilt to make and would be a great use of fat quarters or a jelly roll. I can definitely see myself making a Maggie Pearl quilt again!

Thank you for taking a look! If you’d like to see more of my quilting projects, you can follow me on Instagram at @SeaGardenSewing.