Sofa Sewing Station with Magical Winterland
As Christmas approaches, I wanted to make a winter-themed sofa sewing station. I really enjoy hand stitching on the sofa during the festive period: it’s nice to join in with the rest of the family instead of hiding in my sewing studio!
Magical Winterland
This fabric collection has a lovely mix of wintery pastels, featuring pretty blenders, and lovely fussy cuts.

Quilt pattern and modifications
There are lots of sofa sewing patterns you can use to keep your projects and notions organised. I used the Sarah Ashford Sofa Sewing Station pattern with a few modifications. If you want to make this project, you will need the following materials:
- Your Magical Winterland fabric,
- Wadding
- A small magnet – I used one which was the size of a dime, which was strong enough to hold the needle
- Light fusible interfacing for the pockets – I used Vlieseline 220
Firstly, I replaced the pin cushion with a little tab for keeping needles. I have a track record of leaving needles sticking out on the arm of the sofa, which is not popular with my family! I wanted to have a system to have the needles horizontally tucked away, rather than sticking up.
Secondly, I added a magnetic needle minder by using a magnet under a little hexagon featuring a print from the collection. This was a pragmatic solution, as I often drop my needle, and I thought the magnet may help me keep it safe, particularly when I don’t want to put it away under the needle flap.
I hope you enjoy these photos, and just comment below if you have any questions about the project!

One Comment
Christine Watts
Would love this pattern does it have a Kit