Here Comes the Sun Irish Chain Quilt

Hi there, it’s Lesley from Piece and Quilted Studio! I’m back to show you what I made with Sandy Gervais‘ latest line called Here Comes the Sun. I’m really trying to check quilts off my bucket list this year and I have always wanted to make a scrappy Irish chain quilt! (Mission accomplished)

These bright and cheery fabrics are perfect for those summer makes and I love how each one pops in a 9 patch block, feels like a vintage scrappy make! I didn’t follow any patterns, I just used 2 1/2″ strips sewn together lengthwise and then cut into 2 1/2″ sections. Then I pieced three sections together to make 6 1/2″ blocks. There are about 1 million free tutorials on pinterest or you tube for Irish chain quilts you could look up as well! If you want further instructions, leave me a comment or message me through my instagram page, @pieceandquiltedstudio.

For more of my quilty makes check out my instagram page!
It feels good to make.